Thursday, July 9, 2009

Opinions of mine you probably disagree with...

Opinions of mine you probably disagree with...

1.The 9/11 attacks was an inside job.
Yes i believe in the conspiracy theory,it may not be entirely the government's fault but lot of unsolved mysteries exist.

2.Love is overrated
It is just a mixture of hormonal effects and survival instinct to continue the species. Generally felt when looking for the ideal mate(i.e always).

3.Anime is better than Bollywood
On an average it has better plotlines,better concepts,more well rounded characters.(im talking about the ones ive seen,and ive seen a lot of both)

4.Arsene Wenger is the best manager in the world.
ok..ok..i am a gooner(for those who are ignorant ...gooner is an arsenal fan) but so what?? he is the only manager who looks for profit during transfers, and prefers to develop young players instead of buying stars, i respect and admire that.

5.Mainstream pop sucks
I have got to agree that the songs are good(once in a while),but often the lyrics are written by some one else and music is composed by some else entirely the wrong people get the credit,That sucks.

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