Wednesday, July 8, 2009

fighting over food...

I am not much of a people person.... therefore visiting not too "close" relatives or friends after a long gap is a bit of a chore for me...sure i love them and everything...but....(sigh!)after the initial ice breaking and the pleasantries there is an awkwardness that lasts for a while .....then the same questions are repeated twice thrice..till the food arrives...and the battle begins....

When they force you to eat(out of politeness) say ive had enough(again out of poilteness)...they donot give up(again (sigh!) out of politeness)...and the one with the greater powers of persuasion wins . Im bit of a foodie and give in pretty easily.

However... i have seen epic battles fought ....tomato sauce ....spilled...lives changed... In these polite (but fierce) tussles and have had the privilege of fighting alongside,some of the greatest refusers and forcers.(?)

My mom is our family refuser and forcer ... and she has downed many a foe by energetically refusing with hand gestures,and putting on a pathetic facade. She forces you to eat by literally shoving food under peoples noses.. Its true she lacks subtlety..and finesse but makes up for it by vigourous and rather childish body movements.

My mom's mom is the master... being able to refuse using anecdotes and sheer logic to change the subject .While forcing one to eat using the power of her culinary skills.

My sudden reason for publishing this is because....
Its this time of the year again,when our persuasions powers are tested while we hop from house to house fighting battles over whether to eat or not to eat.....

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