Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Do you know that lump in your throat that just appears in sad moments? You try and try to swallow but it just doesnt go. It invariably ends in at least some moisture in your eyes.

I was recently visited by a really stubborn cousin of the usually easily subduable version of the lump that appears in my throat. This (please enter any swear word of your choice) lump appeared while i was watching this movie called grave of the fireflies.

What a movie it was !!!. This movie is an absolutely awesome and a very touching depiction of world war II japan.Its the story of two kids and how they fight for survival in those depressing times. Wonderful voice over acting and a really fluid animation style makes you forget that you are watching an animated feature. Since its so damn good i will not divulge in any spoilers. I will only say that i would recomend it to anyone.period!

Well anyway this lump appeared and just refused to go. I fought it desperately and even shed a tear but it had to take an entire bar of chocolate and a season of scrubs before I could talk properly again.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Man who came the closest to inspiring me.....

I'm sure everyone reading this would have had someone give them a speech about someone else in a lot of adversity, overcoming odds and finally suceed in whatever they set out to do, to inspire you to do better in life.

Like everyone else i have had many many people try to motivate me,to be honest it has never really worked (I'm lazy). However there was the story of one person whose determination really inspired me...well to some extent anyway...

The man's name is Larry Flynt.
Those of whom who know this man is might not really like him to be fair i dont really like him as well... but i do respect his determination.
Those of whom who don't know this colourful figure well .... here goes..this man sells pornography,the most explicit type too,he is the owner of the infamous hustler magazine.

If you are wondering what about him inspired me ( i must agree inspire is too strong a word to be used here...but I couldn't think of anything else) here it is....

He worked 20 hours a day in his bar staying awake by taking amphetamines,and using its profits he started his own chain.

During an oil crisis in the 70's he converted his then failing newspaper into the magazine it is today, the most famous issue being one, with the then first lady Jacqueline Kennedy!

Later on there was an attempted assassination against him, during his legal struggles against obscenity charges.Which was followed by a stroke caused due to an overdose of analgesics. Despite all this he continued his legal battle and ultimately won several of the legal battles he had to face.

Today due the effects of the stroke,he is paralyzed waist down,despite this he still continues to sell his very controversial magazine.

So maybe he is not role model material.... and what he does well..its still under debate whether its right or wrong... but what determination and guts !.

some quotes from this man

"Politics is my hobby. Smut is my vocation"

"The only question to ask yourself is, how much are you willing to sacrifice to achieve this success? "

"There's nothing that will change someone's moral outlook quicker than cash in large sums."

"If the human body's obscene, complain to the manufacturer, not to me."

"Murder is illegal. But, you take a picture of somebody committing the act of murder and they'll put you on the cover of Newsweek. You might even win a Pulitzer Prize. And yet . . . sex is legal. Everybody's doing it, or everybody wants to be doing it. Yet, you take a picture of two people in the act of sex of just take a picture of a woman's naked body and they'll put you in jail."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Most Unsung Heroes in fiction

Most Unsung Heroes (in fiction)

These are the top 5 characters who did all the work,in various works of fiction but someone else (mostly the hero) ended up getting the credit.

5.Luigi from Super Mario
I never knew why this character was made in the first place .... Mario and Princess Peach were the couple, he is supposed to be Mario's brother and you can finish the game with him but the princess always goes to Mario ...sad !!!

4.Alphonse Elrich from Full Metal Alchemist
This guy was turned from a ten year old boy into a suit of armour by his own brother.He could have cried,gotten angry and never talked to his brother again,instead he helps his brother in every way possible ...and ....OK..OK NO SPOILERS..

3.Trinity from the Matrix
Neo is the one..he will save us all...blah ...blah..blah but who saved him at least a bazillion times in the movie.Martial arts,bikes and some very quotable dialogues...This babe did them all ..

2.Hermoine Granger
Let me tell you, if she wasnt there Voldemort would have taken over the world very very easily..from the first book onwards she was always the trump card for Harry Potter,be it making the polyjuice potion,fighting the devil's snare,making Harry pass in his exams,........etc etc..

1. Sam Gamgee from LOTR
This was one character i definitely thought could have got more credit he literally... dragged frodo's ass up mount doom,only for frodo to say something stupid like "the ring is mine"..
He even kills shelob ... showing he fights decently too,a complete team man and as well as a familiy man who rebuilds the entire shire single handedly..

A more fitting end would have been Sam finding out that Frodo was not planning to throw the ring and throwing Frodo with the ring into the crack of doom and coming out as the hero...hehe

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Opinions of mine you probably disagree with...

Opinions of mine you probably disagree with...

1.The 9/11 attacks was an inside job.
Yes i believe in the conspiracy theory,it may not be entirely the government's fault but lot of unsolved mysteries exist.

2.Love is overrated
It is just a mixture of hormonal effects and survival instinct to continue the species. Generally felt when looking for the ideal mate(i.e always).

3.Anime is better than Bollywood
On an average it has better plotlines,better concepts,more well rounded characters.(im talking about the ones ive seen,and ive seen a lot of both)

4.Arsene Wenger is the best manager in the world.
ok..ok..i am a gooner(for those who are ignorant ...gooner is an arsenal fan) but so what?? he is the only manager who looks for profit during transfers, and prefers to develop young players instead of buying stars, i respect and admire that.

5.Mainstream pop sucks
I have got to agree that the songs are good(once in a while),but often the lyrics are written by some one else and music is composed by some else entirely the wrong people get the credit,That sucks.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

fighting over food...

I am not much of a people person.... therefore visiting not too "close" relatives or friends after a long gap is a bit of a chore for me...sure i love them and everything...but....(sigh!)after the initial ice breaking and the pleasantries there is an awkwardness that lasts for a while .....then the same questions are repeated twice thrice..till the food arrives...and the battle begins....

When they force you to eat(out of politeness)..you say ive had enough(again out of poilteness)...they donot give up(again (sigh!) out of politeness)...and the one with the greater powers of persuasion wins . Im bit of a foodie and give in pretty easily.

However... i have seen epic battles fought ....tomato sauce ....spilled...lives changed... In these polite (but fierce) tussles and have had the privilege of fighting alongside,some of the greatest refusers and forcers.(?)

My mom is our family refuser and forcer ... and she has downed many a foe by energetically refusing with hand gestures,and putting on a pathetic facade. She forces you to eat by literally shoving food under peoples noses.. Its true she lacks subtlety..and finesse but makes up for it by vigourous and rather childish body movements.

My mom's mom is the master... being able to refuse using anecdotes and sheer logic to change the subject .While forcing one to eat using the power of her culinary skills.

My sudden reason for publishing this is because....
Its this time of the year again,when our persuasions powers are tested while we hop from house to house fighting battles over whether to eat or not to eat.....

when i played devil may cry 4 on PC

To tell the truth im only a casual gamer.... my laptop has a 512 mb ati radeon3450 which is a pretty decent card only at its very very best....Still i dont play all that much ... even if i do i rarely finish any of the games,so..it was with little caution i approached Devil May Cry 4 on PC..

The opening sequence was impressive...(ok that was an understatement...it was really really really really....friggin bloody awesome!!!!!!!)Now coming to the game it started as really nice ... spectacular visuals..pretty interesting story ..wonderful cinematics..and some truly brilliant fight
sequences..and some very well designed characters..

then about 25 % into the game i realised some thing.... THE PLATFORMING AND CAMERA ANGLES SUCK!!!!!...they really spoil what could have been a great game..into a pretty ..decent game(...overstatement...)

about 50 % into the game i got stuck due to the above reasons...it was pretty frustrating..so i went to gamefaqs or ign...or something... to get the walkthrough guess what i found ??

Every single boss and level is repeated again as you go back to where you started going through the same areas killing the same enemies...but with a different character... i know its done in few games but since im a casual gamer i donot like it at all........ and there are plenty of better things for me to do....that repeating already repetitive levels.

currently i donot have much motivation to continue with the game ... i might
complete it someday.......in the distant future....

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ashton Kutcher

Just recently i finished watching all 8 seasons of That 70s show... It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be .

However.... little more recently i happened to see an interview of Ashton Kutcher about a twitter feud between him and the entire CNN network. It made me realise this dude is smart ! .... despite the stupid..immature..dumb..cocky..stoned...portrayals hes done in all the 8 seasons of the show and punk'd and dude wheres my car...

he is actually pretty articulate, knowlegable and knows what he is doing..and saying
Also...here is the bombshell..he happens to be a bio chemical engineering major as well...!!

impressed i immediately saw the movies butterfly effect and the guardian...and whoa...... this guy can act as well.....

i have gotta say im very impressed.... almost a fan...


I have been a Naruto Fan since 2006 and followed the series ever since...
I like it despite the excessively long fillers(dont know what a filler is ?... GET OUTTA HERE!!!)Rather lazy animation ... and its outdated concept (ninjas ?!??). It was my introduction to the wonderful world of anime/manga(dbz... not counted).

I saw it by accident on CN with a little cousin,I became a bigger fan than him and ended up watching the 200 something episodes in about 3 hoplessly addicted months. As i saw more animes like death note and FMA..Slowly but surely Naruto began to lose its appeal though the story is still very interesting , Gaara vs Rock Lee still is the best fight ever!!! and Sasuke remains as coolest character ever.. . I now read only the manga and it has not disappointed like the anime . Shame.... If there werent as many fillers in the anime it would have been interesting for so much longer.

Still following the series though just skipping the fillers...and hopefully they will bring back some of the original tracks from the previous soundtrack *sniff!* ......